Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week #1 Update

It is Week 1, Day 4 (Thursday). The first half of my week was set up to look like the following:
Monday: 30 minute cross training
Tuesday: 2 mile run
Wednesday: 40 minute cross training
Thursday: Rest Day

So far, I have kept up with the training, except for the rest day. I spent almost two hours outside shoveling the snow, I think that could be counted as cross training if you ask me. Why did it take two hours? Because it was still snowing. There was already about three-four inches on the ground and by the time I was done with the driveway and sidewalk, I had to do the stupid driveway AGAIN!!! So much for resting.

The hard part will be to stick with the schedule for the next three days. I will hopefully have a positive update next time I check in.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Shoveling snow definitely counts as exercise in my opinion!
