Thursday, May 29, 2008

In The Beginning...

Well, here I am trying to find a way to update our lives so our friends and families can keep up with us. Although, there may be a slight problem with that idea. I have to be able to keep up with us so that I can post it here for everyone else to read. This sounds very easy to do, but that is in theory. When you actually think about the amount of time in one day that I have to sit at the computer, it does not compute to very much time at all. That is probably not the same thinking my husband has about my computer time, but it is the truth.

This blog finds me sitting on the floor with my boys running wildly around me, ages 4 and almost 6. Wow! Where did all that time go, certainly not sitting in front of the computer. I also have been married to my loving husband for 10 years. Again...where did all the time disappear to? Throughout these 10 years of marriage, I have supported my husband has he continues his career in the US Navy. This is the reason, my family and I find ourselves in Washington State. How do we like it? We will discuss that another time. Me? I am just looking forward to some warmer weather, how about anything over 70 degrees?

Our evening is coming to close as bedtime approaches, yes it is actually one of my favorite times of the day. I enjoy the peacefulness of no children's tv shows. My other favorite time is the morning before we start running around trying not to miss the bus for school. The boys are the most cuddliest at that time. So since I am just beginning to start this blog, I will end for now and try to recap the past 10 years of our lives over the next few weeks as we head into the days of summer.

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