Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School NEEDS to start

I am sitting here, listening to the boys chase each other up and down the stairs and around the house. Why are they doing this? My thoughts are that summer break is too long. Yes that is right, I never thought I would ever say that, but I am now one of those mothers who wishes the kids went to school all year long. Ok, maybe if it was warmer outside I would be happy to have the sprinkler running and let the boys run around outside of the house, but seeing as it is still August and the temperature remains in the SIXTIES, it is TOO COLD.

I know I have complained more than my friends want to hear about the weather here in Seattle, but this is horrible. I can remember only one time this summer letting the boys run around with water guns. That is not SUMMER in my mind. It is so pathetic, that we actually spend more time in our hot tub, temperature 101. Now that is nice, not exactly what I had in mind, but I will take it.

So back to school starting, yes I will be sad watching Logan get on the school bus and I will be a little lonely as I walk back to the car after dropping Brandon off. However, I am sure I will pull myself together to enjoy the few hours I have to myself. I am not sure how I am going to fit everything in my schedule, but I am certainly going to watch what I want on TV, (NO spongebob), do the workout I want to, (NO family fitness room), and get my hours in sewing and stamping (NO mommy I want this...). I will have just enough time alone to happily race to the school (obeying school speed limits) to pick up Brandon. Then I am sure Brandon will miss having Logan around to annoy, so we will excitedly run up the street to wait for Logan to get off the school bus.

So please Labor Day arrive very soon, I don't want to lock my boys in the closet for another week.

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