Monday, August 17, 2009

Danskin Triathlon

Most of you know that since the beginning of June, I have been in full training mode for Triathlons. This past weekend was one of the biggest triathlon that I will do this summer. Most of the races include about 300-500 people. This race had 5500 people. There were so many people it was amazing. Here is only one section of the transition area. It was not even my section, I was at the WAY back of the area.
There was a huge EXPO on Saturday, which afterwards you need to take your bike over to the transition area since there were so many people involved. Since the boys would have driven me crazy if they were over there the entire day, I met up with a few of my TriBabe Friends. We were all set and ready to go.
After completing .5 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 3.1 mile run, I felt pretty good. Of course, I would always like to be faster, but I was happy with my time overall. I have another triathlon coming up in three weeks which I am looking forward to doing just as well. The course will be much harder, so I am guessing my time will not be the same, but here's to more training. And possibly extending my comfort zone by completing an Olympic Distance Triathlon. Just in case you are wondering that is .93 mile swim, 25 mile bike and 6.2 mile run.

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