Monday, January 25, 2010

Do you hate Mondays?

I probably hated them growing up, but not since I became a mother of school-aged children. I actually really like them. Mondays are one of our busy days of the week, but it usually means that the boys are back in school. I will say that I do miss them while they are at school, but not as much as I enjoy a few hours of peace and quiet. I took the boys to the bus stop this morning and came home and got a full hour workout. It was great. Until I am able to get back in the pool and bike ride consistently, I have been supplementing my workouts with the Wii Fit. Let me tell you doing the Hula Hoop for 10 minutes is a huge Calorie burner, not to mention a VERY LONG time. I don't recommend that. If someone wants to beat my score on that one, they can have it, I will not be challenging that one. But for the record, I did do more than 3000 'hulas'.

After school, the boys have Aikido and Chess. So we do have a lot going on, but there is another good thing about Monday... I DON'T have to cook!!! We get to eat on the run. Chess is held at the mall in the food court and we usually have about 30 minutes between Aikido and Chess, so what better way to fill the void? Feed the boys greasy food from the mall. No McDonalds at this mall, so they either have Pizza or Subway. Believe it or not Logan will actually eat have my sandwich, which is great and healthier, but it means I don't have the other half for lunch the following day. The sacrifices we make as mothers.

Jessica will be bringing a Green Smoothie to share this evening, although I am told this one is supposed to be Neon Pink. I will take my camera so you can all share in that one. Have a good Monday.

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