Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Ready for some good news?

I went to see the Orthopedic Surgeon this morning for possibly the last time. I have been given permission to return to the pool. That of course is the good news, unfortunately now I don't have any excuse for not swimming. My first time will hopefully be on Thursday. I will keep you posted on that torture session. I am pretty sure it is not going to be as fun and enjoyable as it once was.

Today's workout was on the treadmill. Working on increasing my speed, although I am not sure my legs want to go faster than a 10 minute-mile. But I will continue to work on it.

Didn't make a new green smoothie yet, but I did get to try the neon pink one yesterday. I will try to send the picture that I took from my phone. I may still have one today, still waiting for Brian to be home. Yes it really is after 7:00 PM. I did get the opportunity to have lunch with him, but I am sure the boys would like to see him for a bit before they have to go to bed. These next few months are going to be very stressful with Brian working so late, trying to get the house ready for the market, and trying to determine where we will be moving (and of course, Brian finding a job). Maybe I need a drink instead of a Green Smoothie. Does putting alcohol in the smoothie discount the good it does?

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