Thursday, January 28, 2010

First Day in the Pool

It was a good start. I was able to do about 1000 yards. Not straight swimming, but it was up and down the lane. I needed to use a kick board for most of the workout to prevent myself from dipping too far into the water while trying to breath. It was a successful swim for the first time in a long time. I did manage to do the breast strike for a full 100 yards, that felt like a good accomplishment. Hoping that my arm is not going to be super soar later this evening or tomorrow morning. Ice pack, Here I come!!!

I am still hoping to get my run in after dinner, but we will have to wait and see about that one. Hey, at least I got one workout in today, it is not like I did nothing. It is also not too late for a Green Smoothie, last night we made one at 8:00, mostly because Brandon chose not to eat his dinner and that was the only way he was allowed to play the Wii with the rest of us. Hmmm... I think that might be another topic.

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