Saturday, January 30, 2010

It is official...

I have officially signed up for the Half Marathon. It is the North Olympic Discovery Half Marathon. It is scheduled for June 6th. I have just over 4 months to prepare for this. Thankfully I am not alone. I have just received confirmation that my sister has also signed up. That means there is no backing out now. Fortunately, she will have a training partner, her friend Renee, will be making this journey with her. I am so excited for the both of you.

Today was my day off from working out. Yes, I am entitled to a day off here and there. Especially once I am in my full triathlon training, I am thinking my body will be screaming at me to rest. Tomorrow is a 4 mile run, the debate is whether I do it inside or venture outside in the possible rainy weather. Only time will tell... Even though I took today off from running, I did get my Green Smoothie. Our friends Jessica and Jason came over for dinner. I made ribs this evening, and I do have to admit they were pretty delicious, thanks especially to the wonderful sauce Montgomery Inn BBQ (that of course came from Jessica via Cincinnati.)

There is also a new blog that I will join Angela and Renee and possibly others in sharing our progress to get healthier. Be sure to check it out...

1 comment:

Year of the Runner said...

Yes it is very official. Outside of not having plane tickets yet but no worries we'll get that handled shortly. Thanks for inspiring us. . .